Monday, 5 March 2012

Next Album Club

No dates yet but the sections have been made!
Joe's choice is Frank Sinatra's In the Wee Small Hours (1955).

Wyn has gone for Stoneage Romeos (1984) by Aussie band Hoodoo Gurus.

1 comment:

  1. I have been reprimanded from over 12,000 miles away for missing the club meeting, what can I say, blame the time delay.

    However, I'm sorry Frank your crooning just does not do it for me, undoubtedly you had a talent and a certain attraction and aura, would it have been the same without the kind of connections you had.

    I suppose I should know more about the Hoodoos living over her in Australia. They have just released a new album, with a mix of their old stuff plus one or two new ones. It is truly an 80s album highlighting a particular bands seemed to have in that era, a good listen , but to be honest nothing outstanding for me.

    Again sorry for the late comments.


